Asturias is a region in the northwest of Spain. It lies on the Cantabrian Sea. The area has been inhabited for a long time. Researchers have found fossil remains of Neanderthals in the cave of El Sidrón that are no less than 49,000 years old. There are also some wall paintings found in other caves. Geographically, the landscape of Asturias is interesting. Because it is close to the ocean, the short rivers, lakes and mountains inland are very diverse.
La Casona del Viajante befindet sich in einer charmanten Villa aus dem Jahr 1930. In der Nahe befinden sich Sehenswurdigkeiten wie das Sidra Museum, der Strand von Rodiles und der Covadonga-See. Aktivitaten wie Radfahren, Kanufahren, Schwimmen und Wa